Action Cards
Descriptions of the action cards in the game

Players may play unplugged on another players turn, after an action card is played. It invalidates the effects of the action card.
*You may unplug an unplug
Example: Unplugged is played after a player plays the New Recipe action card. The action card is lost and the effect does not happen. All of the ingredients used with the card, are returned to the owners hand.

Fuego Mortales
Fuego mortales is an action card that is played on top of another players taco.
The taco remains in play and is considered a taco, although it is now worth 0 points for the rest of the round.

New Recipe
Playing this card, allows a player to make a taco with any ingredients, up to 3.
The taco must have at least 1 ingredient.
Players then draw a card

Critic is worth 2 points for every critic you have played this round.
One Critic is worth 2 points at the end of the round.
With 2 Critics, they each have a value of 4 points. So 8 points at the end of the round.
3 Critics => 6 points each (18)
4 Critics (you lucky person) => 8 points each (32)

Lunch Rush
Take any taco from another player. This does count toward the 3 tacos needed to end the round.
The last turn is not extended by a player no longer having 3 tacos.

The other player must present their hand to you. You may take any card that you want.

Take an ingredient from a played taco and add it to your hand.
The taco will be worth less points and you should have a new ingredient.

Take a random card from the player to the left and right of you.
2 Player Variant: Take 1 random card and draw a card

Brand Lift
At the end of the round. If this card is in your hand, gain 6 additional points.